Bespoke Change is committed to creating enduring transformation within your organisation through a relentless focus on bringing your employees on the change journey. We firmly believe that the benefits of change can be achieved “first-time” and your business can avoid the cost and delay of failed transformation projects that are so often experienced.
Our approach is flexible to adapt to your business, but is underpinned by 3 core aspects:
- A relentless focus on people-change: Whether it is a digital transformation or a change in process or structures, people must be at the core of the change. Our approach is to help you build a clear vision for change that is collectively owned across your business.
- A balanced portfolio of change: Most organisations do not have the luxury of changing one thing at a time and need to combine multiple initiatives. Our approach is to help you create a strategic and sequenced change portfolio that people can understand and absorb without being overwhelmed.
- A network of capable change leaders: In our experience change will not be successful if centrally driven in isolation from your networks and communities of people. We help you to create the right structures and change hubs supported by capable leaders of change throughout this network.